I found September in the breast cancer awareness section of Kmart. Now, I have been to Kmart maybe two or three times in the last five years, but today I felt sure that they would have the cheapest food processor. They didn't, of course. Target did, but that's another point.
What they do have is this super-fantastic cupcake carrier! Now I don't have to precariously balance my Ikea platter on my arm while I make my way into the office. Now I have a handle! No more arm soreness! No more is-the-icing-getting-smooshed-by-the-seran-wrap concerns! I could even carry this into the office on a snow day. A SNOW DAY! That's unprecedented.
Here's September stocked with freshly baked Banana Chocolate Chunk cupcakes (with chocolate ganache on top!).
These cupcakes are a super success and I can't wait to share them with my officemates tomorrow.
Oh, and, yes. I did name my cupcake carrier September. Don't ask me why. It just feels right.
September may be the most amazing thing I've ever seen. And so practical! I might be smitten.
Cool! It almost makes me want to start baking cupcakes so I can get one. But my office has only two people and handing out cupcakes on street corners seems risky.
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