Monday, December 28, 2009

How I've Missed You

(I know... broken record... I embedded the song on Saturday and here I am quoting it on Monday. Sue me.)

Anyway... I have missed you, blogensteins! I want to make this up to you by allowing you to decide what you hear about from my hiatus.

We'll start simple. With categories.

Option 1: Family Oddities

Wherein Amanda provides some character sketches of involved parties and a story of comical, yet touching, relevance.

Option 2: Food Stuffs

Wherein Amanda drolls on about some bit of cuisine cooked up between November 27th and December 26th.

Option 3: Fashion Forwardness

Wherein Amanda pretends you're interested and hands out advice, criticism, or just plain sass on some aspect of dress, carriage, or accessory (in?)appropriate to the season.

So... there you have it. Three categorical options. Vote for your fave in the poll on the right there (no log in required), and in a few days or so, I'll be back to offer you options within the chosen category.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Ooopsy Daisies

Forgive me, readers, for I have sinned. It has been 30 days since my last blogpost.

There are many reasons for this, but let's just be real with each other... you don't care why I failed. You just want to know that I know, and that I'm going to try to do better.

Revision: I will do better. (In the words of the wise green one, "Do or do not. There is no try.")


Ugh. Breaking the silence is so hard and uncomfortable. I'm gonna go ahead and let YouTube do the work for me.

My winter break in videos:

1. Single Ladies Gone Wrong

No introduction, no explanation. It's just that good. Enjoy it over and over.

2. "Dying Day", Brandi Carlile

I love this girl. So much. And she kept me company alllll semester through Pandora. It should be a surprise to no one that this song got stuck in my head as soon as I got on the first plane on December 10th.

3. "Sisters", White Christmas

Ladies and gentlemen, the Hanes sisters!

A friend of my sister's introduced her to this movie and I watched a bit of it with her over Christmas Eve and Day. I have not seen the whole movie through, but I have seen this one "Sisters" act about five times. It's appropriate both for the holiday and the sheer amount of time I've spent with my sister (and other family members) over the past few weeks.

4. "Sisters on the Lawrence Welk Show", SNL

I had no idea this skit sprung from the "Sisters" act on White Christmas. But having seen one, I can't leave you without sharing the other.

Lolve it. If you so much as say "with my by myself" around my dad, he'll lose it. I say this from experience.

Now... if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get to doing... something. Really anything that will get me away from this living room where my dad is enjoying who-knows-what on the Military channel.

But to you who read this post and decided to forgive me my absence... Thank you for being a friend.

Hmm... maybe I should embed some Golden Girls?

Nah, you know how I do.